Andrew Ryder artist history 2005-2008

Andrew Ryder 2005-2008


Touch the sun 2006 kinetic painting (70 by 90 by 20 cms) SOLD Affordable Art Fair London


Horus 2006 kinetic painting (100 by 130 by 30 cms) SOLD Gallery 286 (Ms Michele Stopford)

This was one of the last powered kinetic pieces I made. It used an electro magnet controlled by a stamp microcontroller. Some of these pieces need a small fix to correct the mechanism.


Callisto 2006 (80 by 105 by 20 cms) SOLD Glasgow Art Fair (Mrs Lorna Higgins)


Elektra 2007 ( 100 by 130 by 25 cms) SOLD Affordable Art Fair Bristol

This was an early illuminated piece using 5mm leds.


Celeano 2006 (80 by 105 by 20 cms) SOLD Art Santa Fe


Telesto 2006 (70 b7 90 by 20 cms) SOLD London (Ms Nilgun Atalay)


Circe 2007 (80 by 105 by 20 cms) SOLD Affordable Art Fair Amsterdam


Ceto 2007 (100 by 130 by 20 cms) SOLD Dublin Art Fair (Mr Kevin Rooney)


Shalim 2007 (100 by 130 by 20 cms) SOLD Affordable Art Fair Amsterdam (Roger and Joyce Smooch-Noach)


Erebos 2008 kinetic painting (100 by 130 by 20 cms) SOLD Chatham (Mr Kevin Christy)

Made during the late winter of 2007-2008 this was the last 3mm led piece I made and the only multi colour led piece.

©Andrew Ryder 2006-2008 All rights reserved



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